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Oven Series

Softmilll has a number of oven so baker
is able to choose the proper oven as follow
their shop size and bread type.

Product Comparison

Oven Series

Micro Processor Controller
By micro processor, continuation step control type regulates the heating amount from 0 to 100% and accomplish the equal and fine control.
Thermal Engineering Heating System
It spreads the even temperature inside of the machine so bread has a even color.
Memory System
Memory system makes easy the machine setting following the baker's production planning.
Using Outstand Material
Our machine is eligible for carrying food due to be applied
by none rusty materials and steamed the purified water.
Far-Infrared Radiation Ceramic Stone Plate
German ceramic plate deliver the moist bread since it release
the far-infrared radiation to the deep inside of the dough.
